Invest directly in our projects - Investing in polish real estate
How do we work:
Our project is based on group investment in construction and joint success thanks to the concept of group investments - Crowdfunding. An investor who intends to invest his money with us pays a certain amount towards a construction investment carried out by INVEST-ARTBUD.
Investing with us is simple:
You choose one of the best investment options for yourself in which you want to invest your capital and decide how much money you want to invest. The whole process takes place online or in our office and only takes a few minutes. You get fixed interest on your investment according to the agreed schedule. The minimum investment is only PLN 25,000.

Selection of project
Choose one of our projects. Complete the required formalities and transfer funds to the project's account. Each investment loan is preceded by the conclusion of contracts and the provision of information to investors. You can invest with us from anywhere in Poland and in the world - we will carry out all formalities online.

We are building

Return on investment
The richest have been investing in real estates from decades now it's your turn.

Invest in polish property
INVEST ART-BUD is a company investing in real estate. Managed by experienced professionals who have over 30 years of experience in the construction industry. By investing in our projects, you invest with a partner, not an intermediary. What makes us different from other financial institutions is that we are a developer and we manage your money in parallel with our capital without additional fees and brokerage costs.
Real estates have always been and will be a valuable resource, which is why real estate investments are considered one of the safest. Regardless of whether you are just starting to invest in real estates or you are an experienced investor, our goal is to simplify the investment process and multiply yours and our fund.
The INVEST-ARTBUD company was established to build own capital and the capital of investors. This goal remains the same today and we are proud that the group of our investors is growing every year. We believe that a good partnership is one in which everyone gains together. By working with us you will not experience any hidden fees, misleading financial structures or complicated transactions. Our profits arise from the creation of real value by building new buildings and not by fluctuations in exchange rates or shares on the stock exchange. All profits are allocated to further development and investments because we believe that real estate is the best place to invest capital. This philosophy has guided our decisions since the company was founded in 1986, and therefore over the past few years, we have increased the number of our investors by 100%.

Why is it worth investing in real estates in Poland?
All of your cash in your bank account is affected by inflation. This is an obvious fact, which means that the real value of your money is constantly decreasing instead of increasing. People who don't invest their money lose it from year to year. You do not want your savings to lose any value is another obvious fact. To avoid this, you need to find a way to invest your money and get a return higher than the inflation rate. Traditional bank deposits no longer serve this purpose because in many banks they bear interest from 0% to 0.5% per year, far below the inflation level.
The only solution to protect your savings against inflation is to invest it in assets that provide a much higher return, such assets are real estate. INVEST-ARTBUD offers a number of diverse investment offers that will protect your savings against inflation and allow you to get additional income.
It's time for your investments to go beyond bank deposits, stocks and investment funds!
Financial analysts have been reminding for years about the need for additional savings and diversification of the investment portfolio. One of the best ways to secure yourself for the future is to invest in real estates. This is an excellent alternative to bank deposits
- • A reliable company that has been building since 1986.
- • We take responsibility for every decision.
- • We enter only profitable construction projects.
- •You as an investor only await for your profit!
We offer also other options for joint investment of capital:
- Housing debentures Polish real estate
- Inwestycja deweloperska przygotowana pod inwestora. Z zyskiem 25% dla inwestora w dwa lata
- Posiadasz działkę, zainwestuj z nami w przedsięwzięcie budowlane na niej.
- Zainwestuj w budowę nieruchomości jako pasywny inwestor.
Housing debentures are an investment mix: investing in debentures on the one hand, and apartment on the other. Housing debentures are intended for our clients who would like to invest cash in one of the premises at our estate. Cash, paid in for two years, i.e. until the investment is put into use, will earn on debentures. During this time, the apartment owner will receive interest on profits every year.
For example, if an investor decides to choose the smallest apartment and spend around 190,000 PLN can count on 13 300 PLN of interest every year. On a scale of 2 years, the profit is close to 30,000 PLN. The interest rate on these debentures will amount to 7 percent per annum - investing in debentures ends when the building is put to use. Then we sign a sales contract, of course for the amount specified in the reservation contract. At the end of the transaction, the customer receives an apartment plus interest money. In the second scenario, the investor may withdraw from the apartment purchase contract and cancel the final purchase of the apartment. The money he has paid to buy the flat will be refunded plus interest on the debentures.
Oferujemy możliwość przygotowania nieruchomości pod inwestycje a następnie realizacje przedsięwzięcia deweloperskiego z kapitałem inwestycyjnym między 5 a 10 mln zł.
Nasza oferta obejmuje:
Wyszukanie, zakup i przygotowanie nieruchomości pod budowę w atrakcyjnej cenie. Przygotowanie biznesplanu i harmonogramu przedstawiając postęp w prowadzonej inwestycji. Płatność środków przez inwestora odbywa się w transzach, po realizacji poszczególnych etapów. Bierzemy na siebie 5 letni okres gwarancji na budynki i sprzedaż lokali
Dodatkowo Inwestor otrzymuje:
Comiesięczny raport z przebiegu inwestycji wraz z dokumentacją fotograficzną. Opiekuna Inwestora. Możliwość wglądu w dokumentację w dowolnym momencie.Najczęściej realizowane przez nas projekty to domy w zabudowie szeregowej, bloki i obiekty przemysłowe jak hale magazynowe. Inwestycje trwają około 2 lata i przynoszą Inwestorom zyski na poziomie 25%. Posiadamy ponad 20 letnie doświadczenie w branży budowlanej i deweloperskiej.